
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

We are going to need all the people we can get to make this a night to remember.  One person cannot do it all, and having a strong group of volunteers to assist with the planning and the execution of the event is extremely helpful. We are interested in anyone who would like to head a committee as well as people who would like to help before and during the event.

If interested please email us at:

Organizing Committee:  Brian O’Malley, Sharon O’Malley, Michael O’Malley, Meg O’Malley, Erin Carlson, Brian O’Malley, Ilse Vega, Michelle Rinck, and Mary Wood

Silent Auction Committee: Katie Hawking-Conley, Julie Sullivan, Meredith Fisher Kloeppel

Gift Basket Committee:  Denise Rinck, Cara Gallagher, Erin Gallagher, Jenny Bain, Lauren Mazurek, Tina Chiou

Presale Ticket Committee: Michelle Rinck, Maggie Doyle, Angela Bax

Split the pot Committee:  Scott Bere, Peter Kenny, and Arun Paniker

T-shirt and other sale goods: The O’Malley Cousins

Entertainment Committee: Erin Carlson and Michelle Rinck

Dessert Committee: Maureen Rohe, Shelly Weirich, and Katie Milhizer

Slideshow Committee: Shannon Welch

Day of Coordinators: Karen Kissane and Beth Carlson

Advertisement Committee: Erin Carlson, Meghan Sweeney, O’Malley Cousins, Peter Kenny and Arun Paniker

3 thoughts on “Committees/Volunteers

  1. Denise T Ford

    Dear All,
    What a great tribute to Kevin. We would love to help out by taking over the T shirt Committee and the Entertainment Committee. Consider us in!
    Ford’s, Casey’s, Boyd’ s, O’Malley’s


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